Handy Hurricane Safety Tips

Hurricanes are one of the most destructive forces nature can create. While it’s easy to ignore them when they’re just blips on a screen, the reality is that hurricanes are disasters waiting to happen. To survive a hurricane it’s important to know what to do in order to keep yourself and your family safe. Here…

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With Summertime, Don’t Forget Beach Safety

Summertime is here, and that means trips to the beach. The beach is a great place to relax, play and have fun with the entire family. With this, beach safety needs to be addressed. What Do Those Flags Mean? You’ve seen those flags flying from the walkways to the beach, but do you know what they mean? Red…

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Summer Heat Safety Tips for the Elderly

You may already be mourning the end of summer. With just a month left for picnics, barbeque’s and lazy days at the water before the cooler temperatures of fall start to kick in, you may have already shifted your mind set to back to school shopping and fall fashion favorites like boots and scarves. However,…

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